Am 23.08.2023 um 18:22:10 Uhr schrieb Jason:

> There is no FW blocking

Do you have a normal home router?
Most of them have a firewall and for IPv4 they also do NAT, you need to
create static NAT rules, often called port forwarding.

> ipv6 is disabled

Then it cannot work, because peers cannot reach you with IPv6.

> # ufw status
> Status: inactive
> Is this ok?
> nmap -p0-65535 x.x.x.x
> Starting Nmap 7.94 ( ) at 2023-08-23 18:18 CEST
> Strange read error from  (49 - 'Can't assign requested address')

Are you doing that from the inside of the network or from a remote
Please run
ss -tuln on your torrent machine to see which ports are in use.

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