On 3/4/23, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> Also, now that the firmware is in place, if you repeat those steps,
> you're /likely/ to find that ath10k_pci is busy, because the link
> will be configured automatically in the first few seconds after
> booting up.

 I would always go into exposed mode using a DL DVD that is what I
meant when I said "re start". So, I will need to run a dkpg script
whenever I boot it.

 sudo iwlist wlp2s0 scan | grep ESSID

 will list the wireless networks around. All I need now is a way to
somehow pass the password into the script in the command line of
through a config file so that I don't have to enter it every time. I
tried to find a way to do just that.

 How do you?

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