On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 09:27:17PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> Here is the bottom of /etc/dhcpcd.conf:

WHY do you HAVE a dhcpcd.conf file if you don't use DHCP on your network?

Or... well, you're not using Debian.  You're using Raspbian, and Raspbian
installs dhcpcd by default as I understand it.  So that's why you HAVE
the file.  So I guess the real question is:

WHY are you LOOKING AT this file, when you know that it's not used, because
you don't have DHCP on your network?

Or... if it turns out that it IS being used, even in the absence of a
DHCP server, then go bother a Raspbian mailing list with your questions
about this piece of software and the issues that it's causing you.
Because those of us who run Debian, on the debian-user mailing list,
do not typically install dhcpcd, nor do we know how it works.

Debian uses isc-dhcp-client, which is a VERY different program.

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