On Ma, 25 ian 22, 11:18:21, Brian wrote:
> On Tue 25 Jan 2022 at 09:31:57 +0100, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > 
> > Could you point to any (reasonably up-to-date) documentation or is it 
> > sufficient to just install avahi-daemon and libnss-mdns?
> 'apt install avahi-daemon' is sufficient. libnnss-mdns is a recommended
> package of avahi-daemon. Machines with cups installed will already have
> both packages. Documentation is at
>   https://www.avahi.org/
>   https://github.com/lathiat/nss-mdns
> and in /usr/share/doc.
> > Can mDNS resolve only hostnames or is it necessary to always mention the 
> > '.local' domain?
> .local is required.

Less than optimal (yes, I'm lazy), but I might be able to live with it ;)

Is there a way to have "generic" names, e.g. something like "mpd.local", 
independent of the system's hostname?

I like to name systems based on their hardware, not based on the 
service(s) they provide.

If for some reason I want to move the mpd service from one system to 
another, how can I do that without having to reconfigure all clients?

My current solution is to point something like mpd.(mylocaldomain) to 
the correct IP address in the router (OpenWrt) and use that in all 
clients[1]. If I need to move the service to another system I only need 
to adjust the configuration in one place.

(I'm aware mpd might not be the best example here, since as far as I 
know it has native zeroconf support, but let's just assume clients are 
either buggy or lack zeroconf support completely. Besides, this would 
apply also to services without zeroconf support.)

[1] shared /etc/hosts doesn't work for this, because some clients are 
running on systems where deploying a custom /etc/hosts would be too 
complicated (assuming /etc/hosts or something like it is even 

Kind regards,

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