On 2022-01-23 21:39, max wrote:
> January 24, 2022 2:23:12 AM CET Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside 
> <deb...@polynamaude.com> wrote:
>> None here are public officials, this is a private corporation even if it's 
>> of public utility.
> Nor was I suggesting otherwise. 
> I'm just saying that it's odd for a moralistic organization like Debian to be 
> less transparent than the US government.
>> Seems odd that you are new to this mailing list and have some much interest 
>> in this debate. 
> Why is it odd? I have a moderate amount of interest. I sent one email.
And your main interest regarding Debian, as someone who's new here is....
The arguments relating the faith of a decision concerning a long term

You don't have other interest ? This seem to be the only thing you
talked about and never asked a question on another subject.

Maybe you shall learn about a community *BEFORE* making opinion.
A bit like learning to program a language *BEFORE* trying to compile code.
>> And so close on the timeline since someone else had left...
> Who's "someone"? Are you saying I signed up when someone else stopped 
> posting? Is it suspicious? Have you noticed anyone else signing up around the 
> same time? Better be careful. They are out there. They come at night!
No they won't come tonight. Monster only knock on my door the 31st of

Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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