On 22-03-2021 16:19, deloptes wrote:
> Long Wind wrote:
>> term Chinese government is quite misleadingit's used as if it's same as
>> other legitimate  government, i.e. elected by people its true nature is
>> criminal group, as described in bill by US senator
> The difference as said is, that you know what China is doing, but you do not
> know what USA is doing. The moment you speak out (Assange, Snowden and many
> many others) it is the same as China.
> China is bad, but the illusion of democracy we live in here is even worse.

I feel more free in China and Russia than I ever did on multiple trips
to the U.S.
I've been there half a dozen times to attend and speak at conferences.
The last time, I wasn't even going there, just passing through.
Waiting at L.A. International for a connecting flight.
I was required (there was no option) to provide a retinal scan and
undergo fingerprinting.
A number of us were subjected to this.
Note: we weren't in the country, had no intention of entering the U.S.,
and were all citizens of other (friendly) countries.
This was in the days pre-TSA.
I have never been there since, and never will.
I check out all flights - I do a substantial amount of travelling - and
if there's a U.S. connection involved, I choose a different route.
The land of the free?
The only ones who sincerely believe that have no point of comparison.
I have had in depth discussions on any subject you care to name in both
Russia and China.
I really can't recall discussing political issues in the U.SW.: in those
days I was simply too busy.
I have never been subjected to treatment like that in either China or

`The World is not dangerous because of those who do harm but
 because of those who look on without doing anything'.
 -- Albert Einstein

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