On Sb, 20 mar 21, 19:11:07, deloptes wrote:
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > In my (not so humble) opinion, this level of security could make sense
> > for a disident in a totalitarian state, less so for regular users in
> > democratic country.
> > 
> And you disappoint me here too - you believe in illusion of democracy, which
> is not so obvious as i.e. in China, but I found out it is even much worse.
> No need to argue and explain - I will not - Assange, Snowden are enough!
> This is like in The Matrix. 
> Enjoy the feeling for democracy as long as you can, but keep in mind the
> reality is not so far from a "totalitarian state" and don't take the
> colorful glasses off - it may lead to depression.

As someone who grew up in a totalitarian state I'm quite aware of the 
differences as well as similarities, thank you.

My point is that going full "encrypt everything on an air-gapped 
machine" might work for you, but it's *not* going to scale well as a 
defence to *mass* surveillance.

While it might protect you, the vast majority of users will just dismiss 
this as complete paranoia and carry on *willingly* providing their data 
to various companies and governments, data that totalitarian 
surveillance in previous times could only dream of.

Mass surveillance doesn't care about any single individual, the point is 
to get data from as many people as possible, whether in the name of 
"security" or to sell it to advertisers. Protecting only ourselves is 
meaningless in this context, we are just a statistical rounding error 

Getting the majority of users on services that are resistent to mass 
surveillance (even if less than perfect) is the only way to make a 
difference here.

I'm guessing most of us are the ones friends and family turn to for 
advice on those pesky technical matters that they don't care about 
enough to learn, and we can make a difference simply by getting them to 
switch from WhatAspp to Signal or from Gmail to ProtonMail.

Kind regards,

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