On 2020-12-29 at 16:46, Felix Miata wrote:

> The Wanderer composed on 2020-12-29 13:13 (UTC-0500):
>> https://www.newegg.com/p/N82E16813131665
> The chipset on that board was released in 2008:
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_chipsets#LGA_1366,_LGA_2011,_and_LGA_2011-v3>
> That's a hard to beat board for its day, every port one could have
> wanted.

Yep. Why d'you suppose I picked it? ^_^

Matching that level of versatility with *modern* ports on a modern
motherboard, especially without access to a hardware-review site of the
caliber I was drawing on at the time, is going to be difficult.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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