On 2020-12-29 at 12:08, Felix Miata wrote:

> The Wanderer composed on 2020-12-29 07:57 (UTC-0500):
>> Romualdas Taluntis wrote:
>>> -try booting with your 5700 in a secondary PCI-E slot and your
>>> old GPU in the main slot, check if Debian detects both video
>>> cards, force certain applications to use new video card and use
>>> it like this if it works.
>> I... can see how that might work, but it's not an approach I'd
>> find satisfying, or care to take. Thanks for suggesting it,
>> though.
> If it is a PS issue, then that would confirm it, but that assumes you
> have enough 6 or 8 wire power connectors for both cards.

I probably do, although I'd have to dig them up; that's one advantage of
PSU modularity.

> That brings to mind another idea about PS capacity. Given you need 7
> SATA ports, you could try booting with the power connectors for all
> but the one you are booting from disconnected, giving the PS some
> reserve capacity to use for the 5700. If it it proceeds to display
> Grub instead of locking up, you know where the fault lies.

Trouble is, six of my seven drives (the seventh being an optical drive)
are joined into two RAID arrays: a two-drive RAID-1 array of fast
storage for programs and the OS and so forth, and a four-drive RAID-6
array of slower bulk storage for everything else - and owing to a
misunderstanding when I designed the layout, /var is on the latter, even
though it and its exact contents are apparently necessary for system

I could at the furthest extreme cut things down to one drive from the
RAID-1 array and two from the RAID-6, but I'd be hesitant to do that,
since I've had data-loss and array-loss scares before; the latter took
3-to-9 months and over $5000 to recover from.

That said, I'd be less concerned about booting to removable media with
*all* of the drives disconnected, and that might achieve the same end.
That goes on my list of things to try next time I do a swap-out for

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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