On 2020-12-29 at 07:27, Romualdas Taluntis wrote:

> If your motherboard is legacy BIOS only (non-UEFI) then that's almost
>  certainly the problem and messing with GRUB won't help. There are a
>  couple of easy ways to go about it:
> -Return your card,

Not on my list; I'd sooner build a new system to go with the card.

> -Upgrade your whole system;

This is similar to "build a new system", except in the number of parts
retained. I'd prefer it, except that I don't think I can fix this
problem without replacing the motherboard, and at that point I have to
replace so many parts that at *most* it might be worth keeping the hard
drives and the case.

> and a couple of not very easy and not guaranteed to work:
> -try booting with your 5700 in a secondary PCI-E slot and your old
> GPU in the main slot, check if Debian detects both video cards, force
> certain applications to use new video card and use it like this if
> it works.

I... can see how that might work, but it's not an approach I'd find
satisfying, or care to take. Thanks for suggesting it, though.

> -check if there is a different BIOS available for your new GPU which
>  enables legacy support.

That's a decent suggestion! I'll look into it.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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