
The Wanderer wrote:
> > https://www.debian.org/CD/live/) [ISOLINUX or GRUB ?]

Anssi Saari wrote:
> I can't tell without booting that, there are both grub and isolinux
> directories on that image (debian-live-10.7.0-amd64-standard.iso that
> is.)

The ISOLINUX equipment is for legacy BIOS or EFI CSM, the GRUB stuff is
for EFI native.

Up to recently it was rare to see ISOs which boot from legacy BIOS via
GRUB. Guix was about the most prominent.
But Ubuntu 20.10 gave up on ISOLINUX and switched to GRUB for legacy
BIOS. (This was not a cheap move, but given the maintainance state of
SYSLINUX it seems inavoidable. The EFI image is not a file in the ISO
but rather in the appended GPT partition number 2.)

So if up to now it was always ISOLINUX which failed with that GPU,
it might be worth to try

Have a nice day :)


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