On Du, 12 apr 20, 11:39:52, riveravaldez wrote:
> $ groups
> thinkpad cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev netdev

> $ speaker-test -c2 [Still not sound.]

And no error...
> $ sudo speaker-test -c2 [Sounds OK.]

That would indicate that sound is handled differently for the regular 
user (e.g. via pulseaudio) vs. the root user.

This could be either pulseaudio or an .asoundrc (do you have one in your 
home directory?).

Try this as user:

pasuspender -- speaker-test -c2

> $ sudo lsof | grep /dev/snd/
> timidity   644                        timidity  mem       CHR
>     116,2                13463 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
> timidity   644                        timidity    3r      CHR
>    116,33       0t0      12547 /dev/snd/timer
> timidity   644                        timidity    4u      CHR
>     116,2       0t0      13463 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
> timidity   644                        timidity    5u      CHR
>     116,9       0t0      13479 /dev/snd/controlC0
> timidity   644                        timidity    6u      CHR
>     116,1       0t0      12548 /dev/snd/seq
> alsamixer 2150                        thinkpad    3u      CHR
>     116,9       0t0      13479 /dev/snd/controlC0
> Maybe a timidity configuration issue?

Try stopping / disabling it and see if that helps.

Kind regards,

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