On Sun, 23 Jun 2019, deloptes wrote:

Thomas Schmitt wrote:

Juhwohl. "Please" with exclamation mark is to be considered imperial.
Tsuck Marsh.

No - you missed some forms in school. For example

Der Imperativ ist im Deutschen sehr gebräuchlich, weil wir hier mit wenigen
Wörtern sagen können, was der andere tun soll. Für Nicht-Muttersprachler
klingt diese Form manchmal etwas unhöflich, das ist aber normalerweise
nicht so gemeint. Natürlich kommt es immer auf den Ton an. Um höflicher zu
klingen, können wir das Wörtchen bitte verwenden.

   Fahren Sie mich bitte zum Bahnhof!
   Schnallen Sie sich bitte an!

sounds nonsensical to me. you can say, "I need to get to the train station, any chance of a ride? hope I'm not imposing!", in German as easily as in English.

and you can say, "take me to the train-station" as peremptorily in English as in German.

part of the error in the quotation is the implication that Germans are curt because they need fewer words to say things.

first, "take me to the train-station (please)." has pretty much the same number of words.

second, Germans are not necessarily curt.

I wonder if this Lingolia groups spreads similar cultural stereotypes about the other languages (or rather, people using those languages)?

I think I'll return to lurking to avoid adding more to this unfortunate turn of discussion.


No idea why you tend to overcomplicate things

I have to admit that
is much more 4 pi R ^ 2 than

too much wrong thinking - there are two fraction in science- mainstream
supports CO2 lie. Look at arguments on both sides from real scientists (Not
the face Potsdamer Institut für Klimaforschung <- these are fake).

Watch this and think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpTHi7O66pI

Isn't the combination of "youtube" and "think" a classical oxymoron ?

No - it is TED talks - science for people like you and me

If the video is about growing biomass: What grows must rot some day,
unless it gets sedimented. Biomass has to wander from the athmospheric
carbon cycle to the geological cycle in order to get climate-inactive
for a longer time.
I.e. the surplus unearthed carbon must be burried again, not vitalized.

Not to forget that biomass tends to produce methane, which is worse
than carbon dioxide for about twenty years before it becomes carbon

Have a nice day :)

Again too much thinking - you should be making cars, no thinking too much :D
It is repetitive pattern in my experiences - some friends left Germany for
good reasons and they are born Germans.


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