Hi, all! Needing to convert this box from wired ethernet to wireless, I searched for a suitable network manager and wicd looked good: No desktop environment dependencies (I use a window manager Openbox and single lxpanel), compatibility with Openbox, etc. Imagine my surprise when during the simulated install (I always check), I discovered systemd init was set to replace sysvinit. I had converted Stretch to the latter during its install last year, but left the systemd libraries.
There was no mention of this wicd caveat or any systemd dependency anywhere. Obviously, there were. What other things does systemd do that users are unaware and contrary to their wishes? I wonder . . . After more investigating, I came across wifi-radar whose simulated install doesn't muck my system. Any suggestions for something better? I could just go with iwconfig or iw? No big deal. I've done it before. But being lazy, if I can find an app to do the work, so much the better. Thanks for any input. B