On 2019-05-27, Patrick Bartek <patrick.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, all!
> Needing to convert this box from wired ethernet to wireless, I searched
> for a suitable network manager and wicd looked good:  No desktop
> environment dependencies (I use a window manager Openbox and single
> lxpanel), compatibility with Openbox, etc.  Imagine my surprise when
> during the simulated install (I always check), I discovered systemd
> init was set to replace sysvinit.  I had converted Stretch to the
> latter during its install last year, but left the systemd libraries.
> There was no mention of this wicd caveat or any systemd dependency
> anywhere.  Obviously, there were.  What other things does systemd do
> that users are unaware and contrary to their wishes?  I wonder . . .
> After more investigating, I came across wifi-radar whose simulated
> install doesn't muck my system.  Any suggestions for something
> better?   I could just go with iwconfig or iw?  No big deal.  I've done
> it before.  But being lazy, if I can find an app to do the work, so
> much the better.
> Thanks for any input.
> B

Are you trolling? You need to talk to the maintainers of wicd and ask
them why there is a systemd dependency.



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