On Sat, 2018-09-29 at 08:59 +0000, Curt wrote:
> On 2018-09-28, Thomas Schmitt <scdbac...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > This is not "unreliable" it is "clueless".
> > Insofar Curt's proposal is technically more correct.
> > But actually i see no improvement over my shorter statement.
> > (Maybe it's better english, but it's not better message.)
> I thought nobody said "should better not be used," but sticking that
> quoted
> phrase in a search engine produces over 12,000 hits.
So 12,000 people can be wrong :)

Just altering the word order gives more clarity to the statement.

"should be better not used" While still not entirely correct implies
less of a threat. 

"(it) better not be used (or)" - "the computer gods will frot you"

"would be better not used" may be correct depending on the rest of the

Maybe an implicit threat of resulting danger needs to be implied?


> Doubts now linger in my mind as to whether I haven't used up a lot of
> electrons
> for nothing.
> There's so many of them, though, I guess frugality isn't an issue
> (unless
> Wheeler was right, and I've sent the one zipping all over the place).
> Out.
> > Have a nice day :)
> > 
> > Thomas
> > 
> > 

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