On Monday, August 14, 2017 05:39:40 PM Felix Miata wrote:
> Brian composed on 2017-08-14 22:10 (UTC+0100):
> >  I take it you are not up for altering the Init page?
> I looked in the thread and was unable to find that anyone had provided a
> URL for "the Init page". Without seeing the particular page in question I
> can't answer, but I'm guessing the answer would be I would feel I have too
> little competence to adequately address that particular subject, as with
> most wiki pages I find deficient.

Well, even a vague note on the page something like:

"Some of this seems to be out of date with the advent of systemd and its 
adoption in Debian starting with version n.n (<Toy Story name>).  If you can 
contribute anything more to this story, please do." 

...would be a start.   

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