On Monday 14 August 2017 16:33:40 Felix Miata wrote:

> Brian composed on 2017-08-14 20:22 (UTC+0100):
> > So - what should be done about the wiki? Surely, that is the thrust
> > of the OP's question. Altering the wiki page is relatively
> > straightforward. A single user (or group of users) trying to alter
> > the init system policy is doomed to failure, no matter how
> > vociferous they are.
> >
> > Many complain about documentation. When control of it is put in
> > their hands they stand back and do nothing. Going for the "easy"
> > targets is more compelling.
> The problem with software documentation wikis is the people in best
> position to know what they should contain have no incentive to do the
> update work. To write useful docs requires knowledge what should be in
> them. That knowledge is mostly possessed by those writing and changing
> code, those who /caused/ the need to update docs.
> What's needed is incentive for code creators to simultaneously
> document, with ample examples that man pages usually omit, even if
> it's only in formal, non-wikified docs that wikis can point to.
> Thus we see by their nature that wikis cannot be depended upon to be
> up to date. Most should be used as little more than a starting point
> from which to confirm elsewhere from whatever clues they provide.

+100 Felix. Its pure dark green stuff on the ground behind the male 
bovine, chasing links all over the planet, which might have a hint about 
what to fix for an update that broke the whole installs gui's 2 weeks 

It should be an iron-clad rule that a developer submitting his itch 
scratcher code to a distribution must be subscribed to that 
distributions user list BEFORE he can commit.  Thats the only way the 
person responsible for the breakage will ever get any feedback in a 
reasonable time frame.  Doable, yes. Unintended consequences? Very 
Probably.  But my guess is short term. In 6 months, back to normal if 
not better.

An ex mother-in-law of mine from 60 years back up the log had a saying I 
have remembered all these years.

"They have the same clothes to get glad in that they got mad in" :)

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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