
to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> Either someone has managed to force-subscribe them to the list

The messages don't have "LDOSUBSCRIBER" in their "X-Spam-Status:"
headers. This indicates that the sender's mail address is not
subscribed. The sender as person might be subscribed by a different
address or might get forwarded messages which the list sends to
a subscribed address.

But then why don't we ever see the original messages to which
the alleged repliers raise protest ?

I wonder whether smartphone mail apps have a "Smack Sender" button,
which would explain the shallow-minded replies.

> By experience, such patterns don't persist for long enough to be
> worth the hassle of piling up yet another rule which quickly becomes
> obsolete. But if it persists...

The mails already aren't very far from reaching the threshold:
  X-Spam-Status: No, score=2.3 required=4.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID,
    RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0
compared to yours:
  X-Spam-Status: No, score=-16.0 required=4.0 tests=FVGT_m_MULTI_ODD,
    autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0

i wrote:
> > Can real people be that stupid ?

Fung4all wrote:
> Look at how many people are NOT protesting the G20 [...]

It's an intelligence test. You pass if you do anything more useful
than standing near a few love parades and the expectable hooligan-police
brawl while the big shots are yawning in a ridiculously overdesigned
concert hall.

> with your digital identifying device in your pocket and wearing a hood.
> That scores lower in IQ than Trump.

Yep. Der Schwarze Block and our police leadership deserve each other.
Like Bob (http://monstersvsaliens.wikia.com/wiki/B.O.B.) they would
be dangerous if they had a brain.

> How about an image file send with every subscription with a 18 digit
> random code you would have to type manually to activate?

Doesn't this list send confirmation requests with a long random
URL and/or mail reply code as answer on subscription requests ?
But whatever, as said, the repliers are not subscribed and the alleged
original messages are not spread by our mailing list.

Have a nice day :)


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