On 8 July 2017 at 16:52, Fungi4All <fungil...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> From: scdbac...@gmx.net
> Hi,
> (Can real people be that stupid ? Is this the proof for
> brain damage caused by mobile phones ?)
> Look at how many people are NOT protesting the G20, or
> the earth's summit of earth destroyers.  This is how bad this
> epidemic of IQ drainage has gotten.  It is all sucked through
> FB and chasing pokemen.
> Maybe our list"s spam filter could give such phrases a spam rating
> sufficent to drop them if the sender is not subscribed ?
> How about an image file send with every subscription with a 18 digit
> random code you would have to type manually to activate?  Then use
> something like an encryption key to post to the list, so fake headers
> get blocked.
​How about voice encryption software that has recordings of each of us
singing our favourite Engelbert Humperdinck and/or Tom Jones songs.......?

​ie a Mars Attack style defence mechanism where the would be hacker would
do insane trying to create the perfect rendition and upload it to the



> Have a nice day :)
> What is even worse than smart-phoniasis is protesting in Hamburg
> with your digital identifying device in your pocket and wearing a hood.
> That scores lower in IQ than Trump.
> Have a great night

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