Stefan Monnier <> wrote

I'm looking for a decentralized instant message system (e.g. XMPP, SIP,
...) where I can be sure that I receive all messages, even if I'm not
connected when the message is sent [ Obviously, I'll only receive them
when I'm back online.  ]

IIUC there is some XMPP features that allow such reliable delivery, but
it seems that it's not widely supported by clients.  What Debian
clients, using which protocols, can provide reliable instant messaging?

Well, XMPP and SIP aren't really decentralized - what with requiring servers and all.

And reliable, might be an issue - few messaging systems can promise reliable delivery, particularly when threads involve multiple senders and recipients, and the more so if there's no central server involved.

Having said that, if you want something truly decentralized you might look at:
- gnutella chat
- freenet chat
- the BitTorrent folks were working on some kind of chat

And there's a good list of protocols at

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.  .... Yogi Berra

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