On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 16:58:30 -0600
Glenn English <g...@slsware.net> wrote:

> On 10/19/2015 04:04 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > I almost hardly dare say it, it is barely better than saying s*****d, but 
> > when
> > I have a problem with sound, I install Pulse Audio, install pavucontrol, and
> > have a look at what it says.
> Thanks very much, all of you, for your help. I'm told that PulseAudio is 
> spawn of Satan, but it *is* working, at least a little bit.

it's not .  it's just really complex under the hood.

just wait until it decides to put one of your devices into "standby".

naturally when you try to use it, it won't take it back out of standby.

also too, it will probably decide to switch default devices on you.

you'll need to add something to one of the PA config files to make sure it 
doesn't do that.


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