On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 16:12:21 -0600
Glenn English <g...@slsware.net> wrote:

> On 10/19/2015 04:04 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > I almost hardly dare say it, it is barely better than saying
> > s*****d, but when I have a problem with sound, I install Pulse
> > Audio, install pavucontrol, and have a look at what it says.  You
> > do not have to be a sound engineer to understand it.  
> I'll look into installing PulseAudio. pavucontrol did try to look
> nicer that the curses alsamixer.
> I can rarely make head or tails of alsamixer.
> I'm having a hard time just getting it to beep at me.

I take the risk of provoking some PA-hatemail, but I
usually can't be bothered to configure alsa at all. It never works out
of the box for me on Debian (maybe it's my Creative Audigy SE that it
doesn't like), and even when I can make it, dmix
still refuses to work, making it so that only one application can play
sound at a time. 

As for PA, I don't even know what config options for it look like, I
just install it and there's suddenly sound.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Best wishes,
Alex S.

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