On Monday 19 October 2015 23:58:30 Glenn English wrote:
> On 10/19/2015 04:04 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > I almost hardly dare say it, it is barely better than saying s*****d, but
> > when I have a problem with sound, I install Pulse Audio, install
> > pavucontrol, and have a look at what it says.
> I hear something! It's not very loud, and it's from the wrong jack, but
> there's a very quiet piano there. I turned on AC3 and MPEG in pavucontrol.

Ah!  I had that earlier today.  V. faint on headphones.  Unplugged headphones, 
used netbook's built-in speakers and I had sound.

> I'd sure like to know what I'm doing wrong, but I suspect that trial and
> error will eventually get it done.
> Thanks very much, all of you, for your help. I'm told that PulseAudio is
> spawn of Satan, but it *is* working, at least a little bit.

It does.  Satan has all the best tunes.*


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