Jochen Spieker:
> David Wright:
>> Quoting Jochen Spieker (
>>> Using an IP address as ServerName is odd. You have to use the hostname
>>> that you want to use in URLs here.
>> The latter seems odd, seeing as the first thing you would normally do
>> with a hostname is look it up and turn it into an IP address.
> Yes, but most people are better at remembering names than IP addresses
> and the lookup is performed automatically whenever you use it.

BTW, the real reason that ServerName is usually a hostname instead of an
IP address is that with HTTP/1.1 you can host multiple domains using
only one IP address. Browsers not only resolve the hostname to an IP
address and connect to that, they also tell the webserver which hostname
they want to talk to and the webserver can serve different content
depending on that hostname.

Apache calls that "name-based virtual hosting":

Every day in every way I am getting better and better.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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