I've been fighting a redmine installation on my jessie system for a couple of weeks but have finally got it working with one minor flaw. The program will only start if I use my FQDN supercrunch.quantum. Now this is not a big problem in itself. But..., I am afraid that if I don't clean up a few things that this is going to bite me in my nether regions later.

The problem is that apache2 can't find the server name I have used and is resorting to the dns in my router. The name of my computer in the router is supercrunch.quantum. (I had to call it something) .

In the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

In the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/apache2-passenger-alias.conf
        ServerName is Commented out

In the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/redmine.conf
        ServerName is commented out

The in the default.conf file seems to be the problem but I am not sure of the nature of the problem. I always get thrown for a loop when asked for things like server names and application names. May be i'm a little dense but I find the terms confusing.

Apache obviously doesn't much care for the localhost IP. So what should I be using.

Thanks for all help past, present and future.

Gary R.

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