Gary Roach:
> I've been fighting a redmine installation on my jessie system for a couple
> of weeks but have finally got it working with one minor flaw. The program
> will only start if I use my FQDN supercrunch.quantum.

How do you "start" redmine? By opening it in a browser? What happens
when you do that?

> The problem is that apache2 can't find the server name I have used and is
> resorting to the dns in my router. The name of my computer in the router is
> supercrunch.quantum. (I had to call it something) .

Where's the problem in Apache using your router's DNS? Is it just that
the router doesn't resolve unqualified names (supercrunch without the

> In the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
>       ServerName

Using an IP address as ServerName is odd. You have to use the hostname
that you want to use in URLs here. If you want to call
http://supercrunch.quantum/ you should set "ServerName
supercrunch.quantum". You can also set a "ServerAlias supercrunch" when
you get your DNS issues sorted out.

> The in the default.conf file seems to be the problem but I am not
> sure of the nature of the problem.

Me neither, because you described it insufficiently. :)

> I always get thrown for a loop when asked
> for things like server names and application names. May be i'm a little
> dense but I find the terms confusing.

A hostname is just the name for a host. (Almost) anything will do. A
fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is a hostname with a domain name at
the end. This is actually the same as in all other URLs that you stumble
upon, even though big sites hide many machines behind one simple name

You can register an official domain name using any of the numerous
registrars for the various TLDs (like .com or .us). That might sound a
little overengineered for a small home LAN but it only costs a few
dollars a year, mostly depending on the TLD you want to use. If you
register, you can invent any name you like, e.g. and But you should find out
beforehand whether you can configure your router to hand out this domain
name to DHCP clients (or use fixed network settings which mostly

I eat meat and am concerned about bugs which are resistant to
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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