Quoting Brian (a...@cityscape.co.uk):
> On Wed 12 Aug 2015 at 16:57:33 +0100, Martin Smith wrote:
> > On 12/08/2015 14:56, Lisi Reisz wrote:

> > >The care alone, even were there no societal cost, costs several orders of
> > >magnitude more money than the £145.50 cost of a TV licence.  The trial 
> > >alone,
> > >too, will have cost more than that!  Then there is the cost of keeping her 
> > >in
> > >prison.
> >
> > that is the problem, we have to punish sinners, we are after all obsessed
> > opinion.
> > I am led to believe it demonstrates our righteousness, but that is not my   
> >                                          > opinion.
> It's called upholding and enforcing the law of the country, not
> trangressing the will of some other entity.
> Incidentally. The tale you quoted and replied to is based on "When
> she goes to prison for non-payment of her licence....". This cannot
> happen. The maximum penalty is a fine.

This may well be true. I'm not a lawyer: I don't know. However, the
public perception is that you *can* be imprisoned and so it colours
discussion of the licence fee. For example, here is a quotation by the
Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, someone involved at
the highest level with the licence fee problem:

“It's actually worse than a poll tax because under the poll tax, if
you were on a very low income you would get a considerable subsidy,”
he said.

“The BBC licence fee, there is no means-tested element whatsoever; it
doesn't matter how poor you are, you pay £145.50 and go to prison if
you don't pay it.”


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