On Sat, 2003-11-08 at 11:57, Joel Konkle-Parker wrote:
> Andreas Janssen wrote:
> > I can't say what exactly your problem is, but Debian comes with several
> > prepackaged Doom clones (for example lxdoom, prboom). prboom will also
> > allow you to run the game at higher resolutions.
> I'm somewhat wary of 'enhanced' versions of games. Do you know what 
> changed? Is this actually Doom, or is it an 'enhanced' version with 
> added features the developers thought would be cool?

I used one of the clones a few months ago. I believe it was doomlegacy
(but don't quote me on that :). Played through all of Doom 1 and Doom 2
with it. (Took me quite a while to find the floppies so I could install
the WADs but it was well worth it. :) The only game-affecting change was
the addition of a "jump" button, but you could disable that if you
wanted. Everything else was just as I remembered it, except that you
could run it at higher resolutions and use opengl if you wanted. And it
had a TCP/IP multiplayer mode. (Something the original Doom lacked.) But
the experience was just as I remember it.

Alex Malinovich
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