Sven Hartge wrote:
> Michael I. wrote:
> > I tested around a bit with squid3+squidguard and I found out that the
> > redirect works with the Internet Explorer (IE 11).
> > Then I tested some other browser (firefox, chrome, ..) and with all
> > the other browser the redirect didn't work.

Be careful using browsers to test redirects because browsers strongly
cache results.  It causes endless confusion with people.  The network
wisdom is to test using tools such as wget and curl which don't cache
and look at the headers for verification.

  wget -S -O/dev/null 

The command line is preferred because it is a zillion times faster
than exiting the browser and flushing the browser cache manually
before every browser test.  It avoids the possibility of a monkey
testing mistake.

> > Is there a bug in the Internet Explorer or is this because the IE
> > handle https on an other way?
> Hard to guess since you never told us exactly what your configuration in
> squid3, squidguard and the browser is, what exactly you do to get a
> specific result (error page, redirected page, etc.).

I immediately suspect browser caching a previous redirect since that
has been a problem so many times before.


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