Am Montag, 22. September 2014, 03:41:53 schrieb lee:
> "Andrew M.A. Cater" <> writes:
> > Jessie freezes no later than November 5th 2014. Allow folk who are trying
> > to work on the distribution to work on it and not to have to intervene in
> > this sort of discussion, please.
> Nobody prevents them from doing either or forces them to do anything.
> Once they have finished their work, Debian will have fallen under the
> control of systemd.  Then what will it take to undo the damage?

Do you really think this decision is *set in stone*.

I have full trust in debian developer community that if need be, they could 
switch the init system once again. Especially as the others are still there in 
the archive. It would be work, but I think its certainly doable.

So I don´t think systemd upstream has the power to control Debian.

Debian is a community project. No single upstream is going to control it.

While I still am not sure what to thing about systemd, there are things I like 
and things I dislike about it, I appreciate a discussion about it that goes 
beyond spreading FUD.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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