Slavko <> writes:

> Ahoj,
> Dňa Fri, 29 Aug 2014 20:15:21 +0200 lee <> napísal:
>> AW <> writes:
>> > I'm on the FOSS side.  However, systemd is much better than
>> > sysvinit.
>> In which way is systemd better than sysvinit?
> I am no a systemd fan and i don't like (want nor use) it. But i need to
> tell, that my understanding is: yes, the systemd is better:
> - it uses the new kernel properties

Kernel properties like?

> - it provides more reliably boot in complicated environments

How has that been determined?  Some posts on the Fedora users mailing
list indicate the opposite.

> - it provides simplest way to work with more amchines at one time

How would it do that?

> - etc


> [...]
> I see the systemd in similar position. It seems to be good thing, it
> seems to provide good idea, but for regular users it not comes with
> something, that SysV cannot achieve. Then it is terrible to find the
> reason to switch and learn something different for these users.

It doesn't even have decent documentation and makes things that are
easily done with sysvinit a very difficult and cumbersome task which
requires a lot of trial and error because you can't figure out what it
actually does how.  It takes control of your computer away from you, and
something that does that is always a bad thing.

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