On Du, 02 mar 14, 17:18:39, ghaverla wrote:
> This isn't properly replied to.  I am new to Claws, and I have no time
> to figure out gpg signing.
Close enough (i.e. the attributions are right as far as I can tell) ;)
> On Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:56:22 +0200
> Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sb, 01 mar 14, 20:03:54, ghaverla wrote:
> > > 
> > > But the fact there are no options is what bothers me.
> > 
> > There are options. Even if Canonical will be pulling the plug on udev 
> > there is still OpenRC. The maintainer could use more help though.
> I looked in Debian a week or so ago.  OpenRC wasn't even in
> experimental.  Either I looked wrong, or it has only recently been
> added.  I know OpenRC is at Gentoo (that where it came from, as I
> understand things).

According to the PTS it's been in experimental since 2014-01-03 and in 
sid (unstable) since 2014-02-28.


> I don't understand Canonical pulling plug on udev.  Pulling plug on
> upstart makes sense, pulling plug on systemd makes sense.

Sorry for that, meant upstart, wrote udev :(

Kind regards,
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