Back when I used to use Gnome, I used it with Sawfish.  It
was the lightest gnome-compliant WM around.

Check your /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager

Of course there may be a typo someplace... you might want to
search /etc/... for 'elightenment' ;-)

According to Todd Pytel,
> On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 22:27:02 -0400
> stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ah, .xsession-errors has a clue. It's trying (and failing) to run
> > /usr/bin/elightenment,a Acording to dselect, this is not installed.
> > Should I install it? If I have a choice, I think I like sawfish, at
> > least from the breif glances I've seen so far.
> Hey, enlightenment was the bomb back in the day... like, 5 years ago. So
> I'd say no. I don't understand what's trying to load it, though. Was
> this basically a fresh install or did you upgrade the box? Probably,
> enlightenment is being loaded from /home/.xinitrc or /home/.xsession.
> I would suggest removing .xinitrc and putting the single line
> exec gnome-session
> in .xsession. If that doesn't work, then there are deeply bizarre things
> happening.
> -- 
> Todd Pytel
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