On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 20:09:53 -0400
stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, that's the problem. When I log into a Gnome session, I have no
> window manager running. I can then get a terminal, and run sawfish,
> ormetacity. The metacity --replace, did not got it intalled
> permanently.

To clarify - you can start metacity and it works but doesn't "stick"?
And no other window manager takes its place in a fresh session? That's
very strange. If both window managers are functional, GNOME should
definitely pick one of them when it starts. Sounds like something is
seriously wrong with your session management. Probably some other
component isn't installed - do you see any errors of any sort in
~/.xsession-errors? You might also try wiping all the GNOME related
hidden directories in your home dir and starting fresh if you haven't
tried that already.

Todd Pytel

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