On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 18:47:01 -0400
stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, I sed dselect to install Metacity. I already had Gnome-sawfish
> installed. However, I still can't figure out how to tell Gnome to use
> this window manager.
> What am I missing?

Nothing obvious, so don't feel bad - the GNOME folks pretty much buried
window manager switching for the sake of usability and simplicity.
Things can get a little tricky because Sawfish and Metacity interact
with the session manager in different ways. This is one of those things
that will eventually be easier, but is still in a transition phase at
the moment.

But going from Sawfish --> Metacity should be easy though. First

metacity --replace

...in a terminal. I think that should work. If not, try...

killall sawfish; metacity

...on a single terminal line. Going the other direction (Metacity -->
Sawfish) is a pain, however - I don't remember exactly how I did it. I
think you want to remove Metacity using
Preferences-->Advanced-->Session, and then run...


...in a terminal. It can get a little weird though, because you'll be
running without any window manager at all after removing Metacity but
before running Sawfish.

Todd Pytel

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