Sven Joachim <> writes:

> On 2011-07-16 20:31 +0200, lee wrote:
>> Sven Joachim <> writes:
>> Ah, now I think I see what you mean.  I didn't express myself very
>> well.  My intention was to make a general statement that input devices
>> are very likely not to work correctly without an xorg.conf.
> This is a rather bold statement, given that running without an xorg.conf
> has been the default for quite some time.  Do you really think this does
> not work for the majority of users?

How could it?

>>> Apparently you had figured it out at some time already; try bisecting
>>> your xorg.conf until…
>> No, I hadn't.  The keyboard didn't work, and I fixed that.
> If you don't set AutoAddDevices to off in xorg.conf, any configuration
> for the kbd driver will be ignored.  Have you been aware of that?

No --- and the options are applied just fine.  Perhaps there is another
reason for them not to be ignored.

>> Again, what's the alternative to what I specified for the keyboard in
>> xorg.conf?  Is there automatic and correct detection of all keyboards
>> now?
> Not automatic (the layout cannot really be guessed), but it's done in
> /etc/default/keyboard.

Modifying that alone didn't get the keyboard to work when I was trying.

> The advantage of that approach is that you have the same keyboard
> layout in X and on the console.

The layout is different because I'm loading an Xmodmap.  Other than
that, "ctrl:nocaps" and "nodeadkeys" are in effect

> I think keyboard-configuration will migrate your settings from
> xorg.conf, but it's been a while since I've done that.

Migrates them to where?

>> And another example: How do you disable DontZap if not in your
>> xorg.conf?
> XKBOPTIONS="terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp" in /etc/default/keyboard, for
> instance; "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" gives you a dialog
> to enable that option.

That's nice :)  How did you find that out?

>>> …your keyboard does not work anymore.  Hint: look for "AutoAddDevices".
>> ,---- [man 5 xorg.conf ]
>> |        Option "AutoAddDevices" "boolean"
>> |        If this option is disabled, then no devices will be added from
>> |        HAL events.  Enabled by default.
>> `----
>> How about udev?
> The same holds for udev; the manpage is not up to date, it seems.
> Sven

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