On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 09:35:28AM -0800, J Y wrote:
> Thanks..yes I know the command to reconfigure the xserver & mouse. I
> just can't get a terminal window to open. Well I did actually in Gnome
> but there was a dialogue box in front of the shell and I couldn't see
> the terminal window. After hobbling about the desktop with an erratic
> mouse and then just the tab an arrow keys I must have done more damage
> to the system because now the keyboard doesn't work in debian either. It
> works fine in SuSe, (where I'm writing this from).

From SuSE, mount your Debian partition and then 
chmod a-x /mnt/etc/init.d/[gkwx]dm - this will zap your graphical
login manager, and you can then boot Debian to a (hopefully working)
console and reconfigure X.


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