This might be a silly question, but did you try <Ctrl><Alt><F1> to get to a console window outside of Gnome? This works _always_ (at least it's never failed for me in 8 years of using Debian).
Quoting Tom Badran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 16:28, J Y wrote:
I re-installed deb3.0 and it looked great only two pkgs broke. BUT I screwed up and selected the wrong mouse type. Now I can login to a great looking desktop but I can't use it! :( There's a dialog box open at start up ( no big deal) but I can't alt+function key to a terminal/shell. If I could open a shell I could just run xconfig again. Does anyone know if there's some easy way out of this?? Thanks
dpkg-reconfigure xfree86-common (might be xfree86-server)
Thanks..yes I know the command to reconfigure the xserver & mouse. I just can't get a terminal window to open. Well I did actually in Gnome but there was a dialogue box in front of the shell and I couldn't see the terminal window. After hobbling about the desktop with an erratic mouse and then just the tab an arrow keys I must have done more damage to the system because now the keyboard doesn't work in debian either. It works fine in SuSe, (where I'm writing this from). I don't believe that one mistake means I need to to do yet another re-install.....oh well.
When you're done, you can <Alt><F7> back to the Gnome window, or even restart the X server from there by using /etc/init.d/gdm restart or whatever is appropriate for you.
-- Cheers,
.~. /V\ // \\ /( )\ ^`~´^ < hugge >
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