On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:46:08AM +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> On Tue,09.Feb.10, 23:06:08, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> > Andrei Popescu put forth on 2/9/2010 3:37 AM:
> > > On Mon,08.Feb.10, 16:33:39, Stan Hoeppner wrote:


> > I don't know anything about these scripts.  When do they run?  And are they
> > supposed to pin a mac addr to eth* name?  That obviously didn't work if 
> > that's
> > the case.  Both these NICs have hard MAC addresses, as is required by the 
> > 802
> > standard for any add-in ethernet card.  It seems clear that the cause of the
> > UDEV device naming problem was me swapping cards around.
> Yes, the rule is supposed to pin by MAC. There were some issues with 
> built-in nvidia adapters which had a different MAC on each reboot (some 
> firmware bug, but I might be wrong)
so just for clarity, it pins an eth0 to a mac so it doesn't matter when
the kernel sees it it will always keep it ethX name....



> > Note how little text I devote to UDEV below, but how much I devote to the
> > firmware issue which I correctly identified as the root cause of the OP's
> > problem?  I think your jumping on my UDEV comments is unjustified given the
> > facts in the thread.
> I merely tried to point out that the naming issues are a thing of the 
> past (not counting hidden bugs). Please accept my apologies if I 
> offended you in any way.

my 2c =, I have found the udev naming scripts to be very useful, I have
run foul of any problems, except when I forgot that they had run :).

> Regards,
> Andrei

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