Andrei Popescu put forth on 2/9/2010 3:37 AM:
> On Mon,08.Feb.10, 16:33:39, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>> So, are you saying it didn't happen?  Couldn't have happened?  Shouldn't have
>> happened?  I'm imagining things?  Are you kidding?
> No, I'm saying that under normal circumstances it should work.

I don't recall the exact circumstances.  I know I added a SATA card and the 2nd
NIC during an upgrade.  I had to shuffle cards around for cable routing and
airflow reasons.  I'm not sure at this point what slot I had the original NIC in
and what slot I moved it to, or what slot the 2nd NIC ended up in.  It
"shouldn't" make a different as to eth0 and eth1 naming, but it did.  It made
the original NIC eth1 and the new NIC eth0.  The first thing I tried was
rebooting, which didn't solve the problem.  I went Googling and found the udev
rules solution.  I didn't post a bug report or anything about it because I fixed
the problem rather quickly using the info I found.  I didn't think it was a bug,
just an unfortunate oddity of UDEV, especially after reading the Debian document
I reference below.

> It could be that you encountered a bug in the auto-reconfigure scripts 
> or maybe even deeper (reminds me of the nvidia adapters that had a 
> different MAC on each reboot).

I don't know anything about these scripts.  When do they run?  And are they
supposed to pin a mac addr to eth* name?  That obviously didn't work if that's
the case.  Both these NICs have hard MAC addresses, as is required by the 802
standard for any add-in ethernet card.  It seems clear that the cause of the
UDEV device naming problem was me swapping cards around.

> Since your bug is quite unique (or at least no reports here on d-u) I 
> doubt it's good advice to tell someone having troubles with networking 
> to edit udev rules, especially since the OP mentioned the interface 
> names were ok and consistent.

The mere existence of this Debian doc (and others) suggests that this UDEV
eth0/eth1/etc naming problem is fairly common.  Common enough for people to take
the time to write a lengthy help document.

This was a pretty lengthy thread, many suggestions were made, and I was not the
only one looking at udev device naming as potentially part of the OP's problem,
yet you singled me out....hmm.  I find it interesting that you single me out for
this, given that in one post I firmly identified the root cause of the OP's
problem, and recommended a solution, whilst telling the OP to come back and look
at udev _only_ if he had device naming issues _after_ the root problem was 

Are you a UDEV developer or maintainer by chance Andrei?  Did my statement below
"I hate UDEV for this" strike a nerve and prompt your entry into this thread?
If so please accept my apologies.  I was merely stating _my_ perspective on my
experience with my udev issue, not making any blanket statement about the
quality of UDEV.  I save that kind of remark for later, in the event I have
problems with UDEV in the future. ;)

Note how little text I devote to UDEV below, but how much I devote to the
firmware issue which I correctly identified as the root cause of the OP's
problem?  I think your jumping on my UDEV comments is unjustified given the
facts in the thread.

I said on Mon, 08 Feb 2010 01:15:43 -0600:

> The above can happen when you add NICs to the system.  I hate UDEV for this, 
> and
> it took me the better part of a day to figure this out a few months ago.  UDEV
> names the devices based on PCI bus slot number order.  If you add a new PCI 
> into an empty slot with a lower number than that of the NIC already in the
> system, UDEV makes the lowest slot number eth0 and the higher slot number 
> eth1.
>  The solution is to change the PCI slot order or create a UDEV static naming
> rule based on MAC address that overrides the slot number ordering.  This is a
> far cry from the root of your problems at this point.  Solve the problem 
> below,
> then look here if you still have device naming issues:
>> The "unable to apply firmware patch" seems potentially alarming, but it
>> used to work as a single-interface system.  lspci -v indicates both
>> NICs have "Kernel driver in use".
> This is the kicker here.  Changing kernels likely broke your firmware blobs.  
> I
> ran into this myself not two months ago with a Compaq NC3121 and an Intel Pro
> 100, based on the Intel 82558 and 82559 respectively.  I was compiling a new
> kernel as I was adding a SATA card and some other hardware, and needed new
> drivers.  Both these NICs need firmware blobs.  I didn't think the blobs were
> needed, at that time, so I unchecked the "include firmware blobs" option in 
> make
> menuconfig thinking it might shrink my kernel down a little (I'm an efficiency
> freak).  After compiling and installing the kernel, this was from
>, neither of my NICs worked.  I had the same dmesg errors as yours.
> If I'm not mistaken, the source config defaults to include the
> firmware blobs in the kernel (as it should).  I took a gamble and paid the
> price, having to recompile with the option enabled to get the NICs working 
> again.
>> firmware: requesting xxxxx.xx
>> unable to apply firmware patch
> To fix this problem, one option is to include the firmware blobs in the 
> kernel,
> as I do.  So you'd end up with this in /usr/src/linux-x.xx.xx/.config before 
> you
> make your kernel package:
> Read this from menuconfig help:
> The kernel source tree includes a number of firmware 'blobs' which are used by
> various drivers.  The recommended way to use these is to run "make
> firmware_install" and to copy the resulting binary files created in
> usr/lib/firmware directory of the kernel tree to the /lib/firmware on your
> system so that they can be loaded by userspace helpers on request.  Enabling
> this option will build each required firmware blob into the kernel directly,
> where request_firmware() will find them without having to call out to 
> userspace.
> This may be useful if your root file system requires a device which uses such
> firmware, and do not wish to use an initrd.  This single option controls the
> inclusion of firmware for every driver which uses request_firmware() and ships
> its firmware in the kernel source tree, to avoid a proliferation of 'Include
> firmware for xxx device' options.
> This may also be worth a read for some background on the implications leading 
> to
> missing firmware blobs.  This is from the source zip file.
> Pay particular attention to what the author says in 3) below.
> [01:07:16][r...@greer]/usr/src/linux-$ 
> cat
>  request_firmware() hotplug interface:
>  ------------------------------------
>         Copyright (C) 2003 Manuel Estrada Sainz
>  Why:
>  ---
>  Today, the most extended way to use firmware in the Linux kernel is linking
>  it statically in a header file. Which has political and technical issues:
>   1) Some firmware is not legal to redistribute.
>   2) The firmware occupies memory permanently, even though it often is just
>      used once.
>   3) Some people, like the Debian crowd, don't consider some firmware free
>      enough and remove entire drivers (e.g.: keyspan).
>  High level behavior (mixed):
>  ============================
>  kernel(driver): calls request_firmware(&fw_entry, $FIRMWARE, device)
>  userspace:
>         - /sys/class/firmware/xxx/{loading,data} appear.
>         - hotplug gets called with a firmware identifier in $FIRMWARE
>           and the usual hotplug environment.
>                 - hotplug: echo 1 > /sys/class/firmware/xxx/loading
>  kernel: Discard any previous partial load.
>  userspace:
>                 - hotplug: cat appropriate_firmware_image > \
>                                         /sys/class/firmware/xxx/data
>  kernel: grows a buffer in PAGE_SIZE increments to hold the image as it
>          comes in.
>  userspace:
>                 - hotplug: echo 0 > /sys/class/firmware/xxx/loading
>  kernel: request_firmware() returns and the driver has the firmware
>          image in fw_entry->{data,size}. If something went wrong
>          request_firmware() returns non-zero and fw_entry is set to
>          NULL.
>  kernel(driver): Driver code calls release_firmware(fw_entry) releasing
>                  the firmware image and any related resource.
>  High level behavior (driver code):
>  ==================================
>          if(request_firmware(&fw_entry, $FIRMWARE, device) == 0)
>                 copy_fw_to_device(fw_entry->data, fw_entry->size);
>          release(fw_entry);
>  Sample/simple hotplug script:
>  ============================
>         # Both $DEVPATH and $FIRMWARE are already provided in the environment.
>         HOTPLUG_FW_DIR=/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/
>         echo 1 > /sys/$DEVPATH/loading
>         cat $HOTPLUG_FW_DIR/$FIRMWARE > /sysfs/$DEVPATH/data
>         echo 0 > /sys/$DEVPATH/loading
>  Random notes:
>  ============
>  - "echo -1 > /sys/class/firmware/xxx/loading" will cancel the load at
>    once and make request_firmware() return with error.
>  - firmware_data_read() and firmware_loading_show() are just provided
>    for testing and completeness, they are not called in normal use.
>  - There is also /sys/class/firmware/timeout which holds a timeout in
>    seconds for the whole load operation.
>  - request_firmware_nowait() is also provided for convenience in
>    user contexts to request firmware asynchronously, but can't be called
>    in atomic contexts.
>  about in-kernel persistence:
>  ---------------------------
>  Under some circumstances, as explained below, it would be interesting to keep
>  firmware images in non-swappable kernel memory or even in the kernel image
>  (probably within initramfs).
>  Note that this functionality has not been implemented.
>  - Why OPTIONAL in-kernel persistence may be a good idea sometimes:
>         - If the device that needs the firmware is needed to access the
>           filesystem. When upon some error the device has to be reset and the
>           firmware reloaded, it won't be possible to get it from userspace.
>           e.g.:
>                 - A diskless client with a network card that needs firmware.
>                 - The filesystem is stored in a disk behind an scsi device
>                   that needs firmware.
>         - Replacing buggy DSDT/SSDT ACPI tables on boot.
>           Note: this would require the persistent objects to be included
>           within the kernel image, probably within initramfs.
>    And the same device can be needed to access the filesystem or not depending
>    on the setup, so I think that the choice on what firmware to make
>    persistent should be left to userspace.


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