On Mon,08.Feb.10, 01:15:43, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> > Perhaps the kernel brings eth1 into existence by first establishing it as
> > eth0, then renaming it to eth1; then bringing the "real" eth0 into
> > existence.
> The above can happen when you add NICs to the system.  I hate UDEV for this, 
> and
> it took me the better part of a day to figure this out a few months ago.  UDEV
> names the devices based on PCI bus slot number order.  If you add a new PCI 
> into an empty slot with a lower number than that of the NIC already in the
> system, UDEV makes the lowest slot number eth0 and the higher slot number 
> eth1.

I seem to recall such issues in the (quite distant) past.

>  The solution is to change the PCI slot order or create a UDEV static naming
> rule based on MAC address that overrides the slot number ordering. 

This is already done in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules (which 
is actually generated by another rule).

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