Ken L. Klaser wrote:
On Sun, 2009-05-17 at 19:39 -0700, Marc Shapiro wrote:
thveillon.debian wrote:
Marc Shapiro wrote:
Mark Allums wrote:
Marc Shapiro wrote:
Mark Allums wrote:
flashplugin-nonfree in Sid is working again.  I don't think it has
any other Sid dependencies.  Remember, if your internet connection
is not always-on, that it is just an installer, and it still needs
to download the player from Adobe.
I've already installed Flash directly from the Adobe site, so the
installer won't do anything for me.  I thought that, with true
Mozilla and Flash direct from Adobe, that Flash should work.  I
shouldn't need anything else.  Unfortunately, it does not.  Does
anyone else have Flash working with Mozilla Firefox (not Iceweasel)?

Try uninstalling everything flash-related, even swfdec, and so forth,
then installing Sid's flashplugin-nonfree.

However, you may need to copy the plugin .so manually into the Firefox
plugin directory.  If Iceweasel is installed, you can find it there.

Installing the Adobe way has never worked for me.  I have always
needed the Debian way.
All the installer does is download and unpack the file from adobe and
copy it to the appropriate directories.  I already have the new and I have it in /usr/local/lib/firefox/plugins/
Firefox recognizes that it is installed and starts to load the flash
video.  Then it hangs.  Using the installer from Sid will simply
download another copy of the file and place it in a directory that is
incorrect for me, so that I can copy it to where it already is.  I have
already downloaded the .deb for Ubuntu from the Adobe site, thinking
that maybe there was a problem with the .tar.gz file, but I get the same
results.  I don't see where having the Sid installer download the same
..tar.gz file that I already have is going to make a difference.


maybe have a look at /etc/alternatives to see if you have a link that
can confuse things, and look at flashplayer-mozilla dependencies to see
if you're missing something.
I don't see anything there.

Here is what I have tried since my last post:

I have downloaded the adobe flashplayer archives for all of V10 and V9.
I installed, one at a time, V10_22_87, V10_15_3, V10_12_36 - none worked
I installed V9_115, which was what I originally had - it didn't work
I copied back my saved directory with firefox 3.05 - same results

By this point, I was back to running the same version of firefox and flashplayer that had been working together prior to trying to upgrade flashplayer. I would have expected this to at least get me back to where I was. No such luck.

So I decided to try to go with straight up Debian and I installed Iceweasel and flashplayer-mozilla. This also yielded the same results. The YouTube video starts to load, displaying the initial frame, and then it hangs, taking Iceweasel with it. All I can do at this point is destroy the window and then kill any leftover processes.

I don't know what to do at this point. I am about to do the Winblows thing and reinstall in a spare set of partitions. At least I have the space. Does anyone have any other suggestions before I have to go to this extreme?


The Youtube symptoms you describe I also experienced on 32-bit Lenny and
Iceweasel precisely as you explained them. I believe I finally tracked
it down to flashplugin-nonfree and flashplayer-mozilla.  I removed those
and it seemed to clear up the problem.
The Adobe 10 flash install has
in /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/

It still seems to be working on Squeeze.

I had that problem, and put up with it for quite awhile. I finally came to the conclusion that it was the whole Debian ecosystem that was messed up.

I finally went through with fire and sword, doing complete uninstalls of lots of things, anything related to Iceweasel or flash, and lots of other things, too. (I was too lazy to do detective work and try to pinpoint the precise cause. And I felt a purge was overdue, anyway.)

Without reinstalling Debian completely, something worked. I installed flash from Sid, and it worked. But I was merciless. All of the cruft had to go.

Perhaps part of the problem was there were too many inconsistencies.

For what it's worth,

Mark Allums

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