Marc Shapiro wrote:
Mark Allums wrote:
flashplugin-nonfree in Sid is working again. I don't think it has any
other Sid dependencies. Remember, if your internet connection is not
always-on, that it is just an installer, and it still needs to
download the player from Adobe.
I've already installed Flash directly from the Adobe site, so the
installer won't do anything for me. I thought that, with true Mozilla
and Flash direct from Adobe, that Flash should work. I shouldn't need
anything else. Unfortunately, it does not. Does anyone else have Flash
working with Mozilla Firefox (not Iceweasel)?
Try uninstalling everything flash-related, even swfdec, and so forth,
then installing Sid's flashplugin-nonfree.
However, you may need to copy the plugin .so manually into the Firefox
plugin directory. If Iceweasel is installed, you can find it there.
Installing the Adobe way has never worked for me. I have always needed
the Debian way.
Mark Allums
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