On Sun, 2009-05-17 at 19:39 -0700, Marc Shapiro wrote:
> thveillon.debian wrote:
> > Marc Shapiro wrote:
> >> Mark Allums wrote:
> >>> Marc Shapiro wrote:
> >>>> Mark Allums wrote:
> >>>>> flashplugin-nonfree in Sid is working again.  I don't think it has
> >>>>> any other Sid dependencies.  Remember, if your internet connection
> >>>>> is not always-on, that it is just an installer, and it still needs
> >>>>> to download the player from Adobe.
> >>>> I've already installed Flash directly from the Adobe site, so the
> >>>> installer won't do anything for me.  I thought that, with true
> >>>> Mozilla and Flash direct from Adobe, that Flash should work.  I
> >>>> shouldn't need anything else.  Unfortunately, it does not.  Does
> >>>> anyone else have Flash working with Mozilla Firefox (not Iceweasel)?
> >>>>
> >>> Try uninstalling everything flash-related, even swfdec, and so forth,
> >>> then installing Sid's flashplugin-nonfree.
> >>>
> >>> However, you may need to copy the plugin .so manually into the Firefox
> >>> plugin directory.  If Iceweasel is installed, you can find it there.
> >>>
> >>> Installing the Adobe way has never worked for me.  I have always
> >>> needed the Debian way.
> >> All the installer does is download and unpack the file from adobe and
> >> copy it to the appropriate directories.  I already have the new
> >> libflashplayer.so and I have it in /usr/local/lib/firefox/plugins/
> >> Firefox recognizes that it is installed and starts to load the flash
> >> video.  Then it hangs.  Using the installer from Sid will simply
> >> download another copy of the file and place it in a directory that is
> >> incorrect for me, so that I can copy it to where it already is.  I have
> >> already downloaded the .deb for Ubuntu from the Adobe site, thinking
> >> that maybe there was a problem with the .tar.gz file, but I get the same
> >> results.  I don't see where having the Sid installer download the same
> >> ..tar.gz file that I already have is going to make a difference.
> >>
> > Hi,
> > 
> > maybe have a look at /etc/alternatives to see if you have a link that
> > can confuse things, and look at flashplayer-mozilla dependencies to see
> > if you're missing something.
> I don't see anything there.
> Here is what I have tried since my last post:
> I have downloaded the adobe flashplayer archives for all of V10 and V9.
> I installed, one at a time, V10_22_87, V10_15_3, V10_12_36 - none worked
> I installed V9_115, which was what I originally had - it didn't work
> I copied back my saved directory with firefox 3.05 - same results
> By this point, I was back to running the same version of firefox and 
> flashplayer that had been working together prior to trying to upgrade 
> flashplayer.  I would have expected this to at least get me back to 
> where I was.  No such luck.
> So I decided to try to go with straight up Debian and I installed 
> Iceweasel and flashplayer-mozilla.  This also yielded the same results. 
>   The YouTube video starts to load, displaying the initial frame, and 
> then it hangs, taking Iceweasel with it.  All I can do at this point is 
> destroy the window and then kill any leftover processes.
> I don't know what to do at this point.  I am about to do the Winblows 
> thing and reinstall in a spare set of partitions.  At least I have the 
> space.  Does anyone have any other suggestions before I have to go to 
> this extreme?


The Youtube symptoms you describe I also experienced on 32-bit Lenny and
Iceweasel precisely as you explained them. I believe I finally tracked
it down to flashplugin-nonfree and flashplayer-mozilla.  I removed those
and it seemed to clear up the problem. 

The Adobe 10 flash install has libflashplayer.so
in /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/

It still seems to be working on Squeeze.

Good luck,

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