On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 12:15:09PM -0400, Oscar Dulzaides wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am new to debian and am trying to get certified on Linux. Know very
> little about linux but everyday I find out more.
> I loaded debian into my P3 Laptop and I get a message when I start the
> system that the kernel will stop pcmcia : need more tools.
> I already have installed pcmcia cs util etc. what else do I need to do to
> get hte ocmcia services to work as I have a D- link wireless card I want to
> use.
> Do I have to recompile the kernel (which I don't know how to do) ? thanks
> for any help you can give me

Oscar, this message is unrelated to the thread you replied to. Please
start a _new_ message with an appropriate subject. you will get better
response. What you have done is "hijack" a thread and it is frowned up

But, so that this is not a complete waste of time for you, I can
confirm that I have seen these messages as well on my laptop, but
haven't had time to research it. I suggest you read the changelogs,
TODOs, and README.Debian files associated with these packages. Also
read the bug reports, there may be information there as well. It looks
like there is a transistion going on in card services, so be prepared.



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