Manon Metten wrote:
>     Well, I find Perl easier to understand. The problem may be with some
>     programmers who don't know how to write readable code... Now, the thing
>     I really hate concerning python is that it is sensitive to indentation;
>     this means that some operations like copy-paste or inserting a loop can
>     easily destroy code. And "diff -b" or "diff -w" can't be used reliably.

> Well, that's a major disadvantage to me too.

    Actually, it isn't.  At no time have I ever had any problems with Python
code which would not also be an issue in other code as well.  The only
difference being you have to be careful about indention in one case, braces in
the other.  Besides, let's face it, if there is a person who puts code into
place and then doesn't make the indention make sense to ensure they did the
job properly is that someone who's opinion we're going to trust when it comes
to decent coding practices?  Most people are going to make the indention match
*anyway*.  Since pretty much every programmer's editor comes with de/indent a
block of text there is no problem.

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