On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 06:52:11PM +0200, Manon Metten wrote:
> Hi Nelson,
> On 8/8/07, Nelson Castillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why did you switch from Perl to Python?
> >
> > I found the code I wrote easier to understand. But as I said before,
> > I still use Perl for some tasks.
> OK. I forgot to mention Perl in my initial question. But if the code is
> easier to understand I guess I better try to learn Python first.

I think you're missing the point. Write in whatever suits you and the
task at hand. If you're hacking on a project that has already started,
then learn the appropriate language. If you're starting from scratch,
then learn whichever one seems intuitive to you at the outset. Be
prepared to realise that you've made the wrong choice and port it
something else. ;)

Don't pick a language because someone else told you it was easier to
read. Lots of people can read perl-splatter with ease others can read
scheme-nested-parenthesis madness like its their native tongue. YOu
have to find some compromise that 1) works for YOU and 2) meets the
needs of the project. 


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