Greg Folkert wrote:
>       * $3/gal Fuel

    Which is still lower than Europe.

>       * Air travel just isn't what it used to be

    Like them attacking us didn't have an impact, eh?

>       * DHS (this one really sucks)

    Er, wha?

>       * Over-reactions from Boston's Police Department

    Well, yeah, stupid is as stupid does.

>       * "Muslim/Islamic" Profiling and hatred

    Hello, outside of the limited (by comparison) IRA movement and one radical
in the US every terrorist attack the world over and almost every minor war in
the past several decades have had Islamists at the core.  Hell, I think it is
telling that Hamas got voted in in the Palestine and within a year what was
happening?  Hamas/Fata violence!

    Exactly how long does something have to waddle like a duck, quack like a
duck and go diving after bread like a duck before you call it a damn duck!?

>       * Disdain for "Murica" world-wide is hugely on the increase
>         (WDYHASM)

     Yeah, you read and hear and see the many protests whenever our government
officials go elsewhere.  I'd like once for the news crews to not have close in
shots or, I dunno, actually show how many people aren't protesting.  You can
make a minuscule amount of people seem big if you have no comparison to go by.
 With that in mind, explain why we still have tons of people wanting to get 

>       * Immigration is stonewalled you pointed out.  And Immigration isn't stonewalled.  I personally
think it is an insult to all the legal immigrates to this nation to lump the
illegal aliens crossing the borders in with them.  In the past year I have
known a Frenchman who owned his own business and was studying for his
citizenship test, a Polish coworker who had to leave because his visa expired
(but he is returning) and a Ukrainian coworker who is leaving because his visa
expired and will not be returning because of an old treaty with Poland (his
visa was from Warsaw) which will prevent him from returning for 2 years.  My
parents in the past 4-5 years have hosted a dozen foreign exchange students
and placed dozens more.  Every single one of them went home when their time
was up and pretty much every one wants to return.  German, Taiwanese, Swedish
students, just to name some nationalities they have hosted.

    It makes me just a tad pissed when people turn the immigration debate into
nothing but the criminals from Mexico coming here who won't leave and we don't
kick out!  I think it is an insult that the many fine people I have met and
shared my parents with, who abide by the law and the system, are
metaphorically spit on.  I mean if either of my coworkers had been Mexican and
crossed illegally they would still be working here.  Seriously, W..T..F?

>       * The US has to "protect" itself nearly everywhere these days
>         alienating others

    Envy at work.

>       * US Friends are few and far between, except when the US gives
>         them money. Even then, many just take the money and funnel it
>         into anti-USAian activities.

    This one is funny.  You do realize that the coalition for Iraq which
everyone claims was not there (America goes alone!) was something like 24
nations strong.  It was only Germany and France that weren't in on it.  Now
they're not bit players but it is certainly disingenious to say "US Friends
are few and far between..."

    Oh, and the irony of it all, at least on France's part...  You do realize
the rioters from 2 years ago (and again last year) were all Muslim, right?
Quack, quack.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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