Am 2007-03-07 10:59:52, schrieb Sjoerd Hardeman:
> Let me refresh your memory
> Chile: Pinochet, forcibly got power with US assistance, after a
> communist (Allende) won the elections.
> El Salvador: US supports Junta against communists. Under the Junta
> control there were many political killings, one of the More famous
> Archbishop Romero
> Nicaragua: Again support to anti-communist groups.

Iran before 1979: Reza Shah (the last King of Iran) had kicked of the
USA, GB and France from the private petrol business in Iran and
nationalized the petrol production. Under Carter the the iranien
Fundamentalist Khomenei was formed by the CIA to destabilize the Iran
and  take over the power to give back the petrol resources to the USA.

The Ayatola Khomenei has fucked the USA and killed in the first year
(1979) of the islamist revolution 38.000 women (between 12 and ... years)
Between the begin of the isalimist revolution and the death of Khomeni
they went over 300.000 killed.

Iran/Irak-War...  After the coup with Khomeni goes to hell, the USA
provided the IRak to attack the Iran... over 1 million death in 10 years
of war...

Then the USA let the Irak alone and it attack Kuwait... International
Intervention because the USA can not get iranien petrol, not Irakien.
and now the third resource goes down?

OK, Sadam has lost the Gulf War and he withdraws.  He followed Ghaddafi
whos withdraws to and invested many energies into his own country...

Then Sadam had the Idea to use the Euro @OPEC!

This idea was to mush for the USA and atacked the Irak.

Destuct the whole Irak with over 700.000 killed Irakien (prooven by the
international Red Cross) but inofficial chifres are about 1.3 Million.

Under Sadam, they where the Women-Rights (Women can make politic, can
create political parties and do not need to use the headscarf...),
mediacal/social care, Hospitals, Shools and Universities (free of costs
for ALL peoples).

Since the USA/GB had begun the war, all was droped and desructed...

Women are 100% discriminated (even the kurdish ones), raped and killed
in the streets (each day they are 6 women/girls killed).

Since I am PMC and do dataretention (All about USA, GB and Israel in
conjunction with Africa, Near- and Middle-East) I have a very huge
overview, HOW many INNOCENT peoples went killed while the USA claim
to protect the World...

Shame on the USA, GB and Israel.  --  The Axe Of Evil!

It is time to shutdown those three contries!

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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